Yerma by Federico García Lorca

Associate Costume Designer - Fall 2021

“Yerma, a body of tragedy that I have dressed in modern clothes, is above all the image of fertility, punished by sterility. A soul in which destiny was primed, to point her out as a victim of the infertile. I have wanted to make, I have made, through the dead line of the infertile, the living poem of fertility. And it is from there, from the contrast of the sterile and the vivifying, from which I extract the tragic profile of the work.” Federico García Lorca interview for Luz, Madrid, Spain. August 3, 1934 (The Guardian)

Production Team:

Directed by: Sayda Trujillo 

Composer: Yunior Terry 

Scenic Designer: Maye McPhail '22.5

Lighting Designer & Scenic Design Mentor: Barbara Samuels 

Costume Designer: Deborah Brothers 

Stage Manager: Mackenzie Grace '22 

Production Manager: Ann Marie Dorr 

Associate Costume Designer: Nicolle Mac Williams '22 

Assistant Lighting Designer: Raven Zhan '24

Performers: Minsuh Choi '23, Ryan Crants '24, Dylan Nadelman '23, Casey Monteiro '24, Stella Oh '25, Yunior Terry, Eddie Wolfson '23, Lour Yasin '23 


In the Room


Scenes with Girls