Sometimes the Rain, Sometimes the Sea

Dramaturg - Spring 2022

Why do we need stories? And what do we gain from telling them and listening to them? Actors in this piece must bring their wildest imaginations to the process and be ready to “play.”

It is not a “realistic” play but one that expresses certain ‘truths’ about the human condition that are of vital importance to the creators. Themes of unrequited love and actual love will be explored, however, please consider these ideas of “love” as more than romantic.

What does it mean to love anything or anyone truly? Actors in this piece must be eager to tell stories and to create an experience for an audience. And definitely be ready, willing, and able to have some fun!

Production Team:

Written by: Julia Izumi

Directed by: Kym Moore

Ensemble: Tim Gore '24, Petra Hinds '24, Timmy Kelly '24, Casey Monteiro '24, Obi Nwako '24, Stella Oh '25, Samuel Ojo '22, Chris Van Liew '23, Eddie Wolfson '23

Scenic Designer: Renée Fitzgerald

Lighting Designer: Coby Chasman-Beck

Costume Designer: Deborah A. Brothers

Sound Designer: Michael “Stags” Costagliola

Dramaturg: Nicolle Mac Williams '22

Props Coordinator: Katie Polebaum-Freeman

Production Stage Manager: Abigail Murray-Stark '22

Production Manager: Ann Marie Dorr


In the Room